Blowers Lane, Rushmere. Suffolk. NR33 8EF
01502 740 612
Licence number
Blowers Lane, Rushmere, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 8EF
01502 740612
www.rushmerekennels.com / enquiries@rushmerekennels.com
Customer Terms & Conditions – 2021/2022
IMPORTANT; By making a payment, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with our terms and conditions.
The owner declares that their pet(s) being boarded are in a healthy and sound condition and it is your responsibility to inform us of any medical conditions your pet may have. If your dog requires medication, we are happy to administer this at a cost starting at £1.50 per day per prescribed medication. Insulin Injections are charged at £6.00 per injection.
We reserve the right to refuse any pet to which, in our opinion, boarding would be detrimental to their physical or psychological well-being.
-Advanced care needs, will be billed accordingly. If your dog requires advanced care for example incontinence, surcharges will apply.
We reserve the right to refuse admission to any animal showing signs of aggression
All dogs must be on a lead at all times on the premises and cats in suitable carriers.
Our opening hours are as follows
Monday to Saturday – 8.30am to 11am & 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Sunday and Bank Holidays – 8.30am to 11am
Dec 27th to Dec 31st – 8.30am to 11am
We are closed all day on Easter Sunday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day. No pets may arrive or depart on these days.
Our opening hours must be strictly adhered to. Out-of-hours arrivals and departures can be made with prior arrangement and will incur a surcharge. Should you arrive outside of our opening times you will be required to pay the fee before collecting or dropping off your pet.
Charges are as follows 11 - 3 30pm and 5.30-7pm £50.00, from 7pm to 10pm £70.00, after 10pm-7.00am £100.00, 7am-8.30 £50.00. Sundays from 11 - 7pm £50 after 7pm times and fees as above.
Boarding charges – Prices are per day which includes the day of arrival and the day of departure. Current boarding charges are displayed in the office and on the website. A discount is given where two or more pets from the same household are sharing accommodation.
-No discount is given if owners provide their pets own food.
-If you choose to collect your pet before the confirmed departure date no discount will be given and you will be expected to pay for the full term of the original booking.
-Extensions to bookings are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.
-Failure by you or your emergency contact to collect your pet on the agreed departure date without contacting us will result in a £50.00 extension surcharge plus any extra days boarding fees.
-All cancellations or amendments must be in written form. We are unable to take phone cancellations.
-Our boarding fees include insurance for your pet whilst in our care. This does not cover any pre-existing or ongoing conditions needing veterinary care and any injury resulting from contact between family pets sharing accommodation. All veterinary expenses are the responsibility of the owner until our insurer accepts any claims.
Payment – Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
-Cash can be paid on arrival or departure.
-Cheques are paid on arrival ONLY and will be subject to a 70p bank handling fee.
-Bank transfers must be paid in full at least 24 hours before departure.
No pet will be released until full payment has been received.
-We reserve the right to review our boarding charges when necessary and price changes will be published on our website and Facebook page.
-Customers who have previously failed to show or cancelled without a 30 day notice period will be asked to pay any subsequent bookings in full to secure a space.
Peak Periods – Our peak periods are Easter, Summer, Christmas, and New Year. During these periods bookings can only be confirmed by 100% payment of booking. Please check our website for our current “peak dates”, as these vary each year. During peak periods we can only accept bookings of 4 days or more. Bookings for less than 4 days will be charged a 4 day rate and are subject to availability.
-Please note that Christmas Day and Boxing Day are charged at double rate.
Belongings - We are happy for you to bring your own beds, toys, and blankets please ensure they are clearly marked with your name. Beds and toys can be destroyed during your pets' stay, Therefore we do not accept responsibility for these items and reserve the right to dispose of any item beyond repair. We cannot accept any responsibility for injury caused by your pets ingesting stuffing from bedding or toys.
IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: As from the December 1st 2021 all stays will need to be paid in full on booking.
CANCELATIONS: If you need to cancel your booking and give less than 30 days notice we will require you to pay the full booking amount. If you have paid the full booking price in advance and cancel with less than 30 days notice, no refund will be given.
YOUR DATES: Please check your dates carefully when you receive your booking confirmation, we might not be able to move bookings if the dates are incorrect, and you will still be charged. If the dates are incorrect please contact us within 48 hours
DATE CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS: If you require to change your dates to a shorter stay, we are able to do this for you, however, the fee will be charged for the original booking
Inoculations – All dogs must be fully vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis. Vaccination against “kennel cough” is highly recommended and will be mandatory from 1st January 2024. The Kennel cough vaccination must be given at least 14 days before your arrival date, any less we are unable to take your dog, and no refund will be given.
-Titre testing is accepted only with a letter from your vet stating the level of antibodies is acceptable.
-Cats must be vaccinated against Feline Infectious Enteritis and cat flu.
-An up-to-date vaccination certificate must be produced on arrival and it is the owner's responsibility to ensure their pets are fully vaccinated. Failure to provide proof of vaccination will result in your pet being refused admission, in accordance with licensing law.
If a pet is found to have fleas, this will be treated and the owner billed for the treatment.
Policy of care – While your pet stays with us we take every precaution and care to ensure its health and wellbeing. Should your pet suddenly become ill we would like to take immediate action, either by phoning your current vet practice or taking your pet to our local vet for treatment. All costs incurred will be met by the owner.
Pets from same household sharing – We are happy to board your pets together and whilst every care is given to each pet boarded with us, they are boarded entirely at the owner's risk. Whilst sharing accommodation, should we feel the need to separate them, in the interests of the pets' safety, the relevant fee for the extra accommodation (subject to availability) will be charged. If this is not possible, an emergency contact must be provided who can collect and house the required pet. Please note no refund will be given in this event.
-Any injury caused by sharing pets will be billed to the owner.
Pets from different households are under no circumstances allowed to share a kennel.
Emergency contact – Our Licensing conditions state you must provide us with an emergency contact in the UK, you must ensure you make them fully aware of their responsibilities including the ability to collect and house your pet, if required to do so. An emergency contact may be called upon in the following circumstances:-
-If your pet is aggressive towards our Kennel staff members.
-If we feel your pet is suffering physically or emotionally in a boarding environment.
-If pets need to be separated whilst sharing accommodation. And we are unable to provide accommodation.
-If an emergency evacuation needs to be actioned.
-If your pet becomes seriously ill or injured.
-If you fail to collect your pet on the agreed departure day
-Should we need to return your pet due to its behaviour then you will be liable for the full cost of the stay.
Dog exercise – In order for dogs to have enrichment and stimulation whilst in our care, we exercise them twice daily in our 6ft fenced play paddock, where they will have a good run around with a staff member, play ball, and cuddle. We enjoy this time as much as the dogs as it gives quality bonding time as well as the all-important cuddle time. Dogs are only exercised in their own family groups and not mixed with other dogs as per our license.
Play sessions, we are able to provide extra play sessions with a team member if you would like. These are charged at £7 per dog for a 20-minute session. Please inform us if you would like to add this to your dogs stay.
Walks - We can provide off-site walks through the local countryside, this starts at £10 per dog for a 30-minute walk and £16. for an hour. This is only suitable for dog-friendly dogs as other dog walkers are often encountered on the route. Please be aware once off site your dog is not covered by our insurance. We can not accept liability once the dog is of site.
Social Media – Rushmere Boarding Kennels & Cattery Ltd requests your permission to take photos and videos of your pets. With your agreement, we would like to use these for social media purposes such as Facebook, Instagram etc. Your pet will not be photographed without your consent.
I agree/do not agree to my pet being photographed. Please advise us if you do not wish your pet to be photographed.
Abandoned animals – In the event of an animal not being collected after 7 days from the agreed collection date and no contact has been made by the owner or their representative, the animal will
be deemed abandoned and Rushmere Boarding Kennels & Cattery Ltd reserves the right to rehome
or place the animal with a rescue organisation. Outstanding payment for boarding will be met by
the original owner.
I confirm that I have read and understood the above Terms & Conditions and I understand that I leave my pet entirely at my own risk and while Rushmere Kennels & Cattery Ltd will endeavor to provide the utmost care for my pet, they cannot be made liable for any unexpected illness or injury.
Customer Terms & Conditions